Richard Fralick, former elected County Office holder and long time District 4 (Orcas West) resident, announced that he will run for County Council Member.  With this fall’s election the County Council will be the first to have all representatives elected from distinct districts.

Fralick, who as Freeholder, chaired the sub-committee that drafted the Charter says, “I am truly excited by the potential of the 2009 County Council.  Home Rule gives us new tools that can be used to design and build a county government to fit the unique needs of our islands. The separation of powers defined by the Charter gives the Council the time needed to plan and set long range policies that will affect our future.  The initiative and referendum powers vested in our citizens will allow the community to participate in this process.” 

Asked what he offers his community, Fralick responds, “As a 27 year Orcas Island resident, I know the history of our growth management issues, appreciate the importance of maintaining our economically diverse population and know that we have to prioritize our environmental concerns to those matters that are realistic to achieve at our local level.  As a small business owner, I understand budgeting with limited resources.  I am willing to ask the hard questions and pursue the best solutions using existing financial resources.”

“I believe that Council Members have the responsibility to be truly representative of their constituents.  I will be a leader genuinely committed to seeking out and listening to the diverse viewpoints that exist among us; I will act collaboratively to find balanced solutions that work for the common good rather than fixes that please only a select group; and after listening to my constituency, I will act decisively to ensure that local issues of concern are addressed with substantive action.  It is time for action with vision.”

Fralick has worn many “hats” here on Orcas Island.  He has and continues to serve on various elected and volunteer community boards.  He was also a successful teacher in the local school system (Advanced Placement Physics).   He was Co-Owner and Vice President of Research at a company producing laser micro tags for marking and enumerating biological species, primarily salmon.  He has several patents and has worked to protect natural resources in this field.  He also owns, maintains and operates a cottage rental business on the island.     


Before coming to the islands, Fralick was a Senior Member/Technical Director at a large aerospace company.  He has negotiated government contracts and inter-company agreements while leading teams of scientists and engineers solving real world problems.    

Richard Fralick looks forward to meeting and talking to District 4 neighbors as he campaigns enthusiastically to represent them on the County Council. 

Richard's Letter to Voters    


"I believe that Council Members have a responsibility to be truly representative of their constituents"

"I will act collaboratively

to find balanced solution that work for the common good. . ."

"I will act decisively to ensure that local issues of concern are addressed with substantive action"



Bring Action with Vision to the County Council

Vote for Richard Fralick


Sponsored by Vote Fralick 2008, PO Box 85, Orcas, WA 98280

Call: 360-376-2426