Dear Voter,

This is an exciting and critical time for our community.  Home rule gives us new tools that can be used to design, build and, in some instances, streamline our county government to fit the unique needs of our islands.  The separation of powers defined by the Charter gives Council Members the time to set long range policies.  I believe I have both the vision and the skills needed to act positively in this vital process.

     Our County Council must: resolve the levels of Growth Management Act compliance appropriate for our community, ensure acceptable ferry service, fund our urban growth areas' infrastructure, improve our cell phone coverage and high speed communication capability, protect our environment and the economic vitality and diversity of our community, all the while maintaining essential services and staying within budget. 

     As a 27 year Orcas Island resident, I know the history of our growth management issues and appreciate the importance of maintaining our economically diverse population. I value nature and the habitat but also know that we have to prioritize our environmental concerns to those matters that are realistic to achieve at our local level.   As a small business owner, I understand budgeting and am willing to ask the hard questions and pursue the best solutions using existing financial resources. 

     Council Members have the responsibility to be representative of their constituents.  I am an experienced negotiator and consensus builder. I will seek out and listen to diverse viewpoints, work collaboratively to find balanced solutions and act decisively to address local issues of concern.  I will not settle for interim fixes that please only a select group.  At the end of process, I will explain honestly why I made each decision.  My campaign motto, “Action with Vision,” says it all.

     Bring “Action with Vision” to our County Council.   Discuss your concerns with me and give me the benefit of your ideas—

I will listen.  Then, help me spread the word.  Please Vote Richard Fralick as your District 4 San Juan County Council Member.


Richard Fralick               

Richard's Press Release                               

We deserve the Charter we Voted for--Guest Editorial 11/22/06


"The County Council must: resolve the level of GMA compliance appropriate for our community. . ."

"I will seek out and listen to diverse viewpoints. . ."

"At the end of the process,

I will explain honestly why I made each decision"


Bring Action with Vision to the County Council

Vote for Richard Fralick


Sponsored by Vote Fralick 2008, PO Box 85, Orcas, WA 98280

Call: 360-376-2426